Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Am but a Student First

Last week, a practitioner in my Hatha for Beginner's class asked me, "What made you quit your well-paying (read : 70-hour week and living out of a suitcase) job and become a yoga teacher?"

As class was about to start, I smiled and merely replied, "I decided to take my passion in yoga one step further....and let the beauty of what I love become what I do".

Friends who frequent another (public) yoga studio are sometimes surprised to find me practising with them in the early morning 'Technique & Alignment' class.  I often get, "But you're a teacher....what are you doing in a Hatha class with us?"

Ah, but I am first and foremost a student of yoga, and a teacher, second.  I truly believe that every teacher has something to share, and every teacher should have a grounded and strong self-practice in order to grow deeper into one's yoga journey.

I go back to officially being a student next weekend.  I'm excited and I can't wait!  And with the knowledge that I will gain, I hope to continue to serve and inspire my practitioners better. 

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow.  Learn as if you were to live forever" - Mahatma Gandhi.

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